As we are getting so close to Christmas, we thought we had left it a bit late to find a venue for the trip end celebration. It was to be a low key dinner with friends from the Stand By You Cancer Foundation and some key supporters who helped make the trip a reality.
It took a few goes but we did end up finding a great spot with less than a week to spare (phew!). I thought it best not to mention that the private room we booked in the japanese restaurant required us to remove our shoes. Some things are best left as surprises ; )
In keeping with the trend, Melbourne weather did not let us down. The evening forecast included severe weather warnings of thunderstorms, hail and flash flooding. One of the guests even rang a neighbour to put a blanket on his car to avoid hail damage! (the car ended up being fine)
With the small room full of Stand By You founders and contributors, gliding people and family, there was no shortage of things to talk about. Conversations were as varied as people's backgrounds: from cane toads and hailstorms to F-111's , skydiving, New Zealand, Japan and more.
CiCi spoke to us all about the foundation's appreciation for all the generous donations and how the funds raised by the trip were helping people. Like those who were dealing with cancer treatments this winter (which has been particularly cold) and needing to stay warm. She mentioned how hard it can be for those who are fighting cancer to find themselves also struggling financially with medical and other expenses, like heating.
She explained how most cancer foundations are focused on the important research required into this terrible illness, which is, of course, very much needed. With her work with cancer sufferers, she found that there was also need to do something for the day to day immediate needs of those affected. That is the focus of Stand By You.
She was also proud to annouce a new partnership with Spa-ing Partner in Queensland. Annie Duffy, who lost her sister to cancer, contacted CiCi about forming a partnership, extending Stand By You into Queensland. More news about the partnership will be available on the SBY website ( as well as on the Spa-ing Partner website( soon.
I'm very grateful to all the people who have donated to the cause - not only the financial contributions, but also those who provided me with support and encouragement to make the trip happen. Your names should all be on the framed certificate CiCi presented to me (pictured below). I'm very lucky to have you as my friends, Thank you!
The question of "what's next" came up a few time last night. I'm afraid I don't have an answer for that one just yet, but I've certainly got a few ideas in early baking stages that will hopefully provide some inspiration along with continued support to Stand By You.
And I've started looking for a job. More on that one next time...
Next time he's coming with me! |
With CiCi and Mike (who must be wondering if I'll ever stop talking) |
Geoff and Gayle, FLK's 'parents' with Phil |
Shoeless fun |
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