Morning Glory Cloud

Morning Glory Cloud
Morning Glory over Massacre Inlet (photo: Diane Davey)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Burketown Day 4 - A Hint of Glory

There was definitely something there this morning. it wasn't very strong, and you couldn't see it, but we were going up. Most of the others turned around and gave up, but Erich and I persevered and had our first tiny little taste. Maybe the others are spoiled from having been on full blown Morning Glories, sort of like you can't drink bad coffee once you've had the good stuff (I really miss coffee!)

Today I also played around with the new little camera with the wide angle lens. I particularly wanted to get some shots of the approach. You see, the approach onto runway 03 takes you right over the Albert River. That would be one of the rivers that is full of crocodiles. The area just before the threshold has a few sandbars/beaches for the crocs to set themselves up. Funny how we always seem to land long on runway 03...

There are high hopes for Morning Glory tomorrow morning, so I best get to bed. Hopefully I can get to sleep. I'm rather excited.

Taxiing out at dawn

Another beautiful morning in paradise

Sniffing for glory along the coast

Burketown, airstrip and Albert River

The approach to runway 03

Same photo as above, but with the wide angle camera

Crocodile infested river and snack bar, I mean, sandbar.

As above, with wide angle camera

Oil change. Lots of fun in the wind.

One of the car attacking cows getting ready to flip our car (see Burketown Day 1 photos).

A good sign? They say the Glory will come when there is condensation on the beer fridge at the pub.

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